Seicento Sporting
A5593 (October 1998 -)
Seicento Sporting Abarth
Α5595 (December 1998 - )
53th Rally Sanremo 24-09-2011 (Italy)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena (Italy)
38th Rally Team 971 2-10-2011 - Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Maurizio - DueGi Sport (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta - Sport Favale 07 (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Maurizio - DueGi Sport (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta - Sport Favale 07 (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
38th Rally Team 971 2-10-2011 (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Maurizio - DueGi Sport (Italy)
Ferrando Francesco / Scarpa Marika - Nord Ovest Racing (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta - Sport Favale 07 (Italy)
Allemani Luca / Ricci Massimo (Italy)
Vacchetto Simone / Canaparo Stefano - Provincia Granda R.C.
Supato Francesco / Patrone Fulvio - Savigliano Corse (Italy)
53th Rally Sanremo 24-09-2011 (Italy)
IRC (Intercontinental Rally Challenge)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena (Italy)
Source: http://www.rallyracing.it
17th Rally Citta' di Camaiore 17-09-2011 (Italy)
Bonuccelli Samuele / Matteucci Damiano - Kit Racing (Italy)
34th Rally il Ciocco 26-03-2011 (Italy)
Bonuccelli Samuele / Moriconi Massimo - Kit Racing (Italy)
Source: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/rallyronderubicone/Ronde%20Rubicone6.htm
Photo by Gianluca Muratori (Italy)
2nd Rally Ronde del Rubicone 2003 (Italy)
"Gelo" / Nicole De Rocco - Scuderia Maverick RT (Italy)
Mauro Alberti / Erika Bologna - Gargano Scuderia Corse (Italy)
Roberto Reino / Leonardo Spagnuolo - Gargano Scuderia Corse (Italy)
Lucio Petracci / Carlo Onofri - Scuderia Maverick RT (Italy)
Luigi Faggian / Gianluca Suzzi - Scuderia Maverick RT (Italy)
Rally BHV Expo Groep 2005 (Netherlands)
Jos Kerremans / Mark Ensing (Netherlands)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
3rd Rally Valli del Giarolo 20-08-2011 - Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Maurizipo - DueGi Sport Team (Italy)
Morabito Davide / Bennardo Moreno - Scuderia Monferrato (Italy)
Ferrando Francesco / Casano Alessandro - Nordovest Racing Team (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta - Sport Favale O7 Team (Italy)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena (Italy)
3rd Rally Valli del Giarolo 20-08-2011 - Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta - Sport Favale O7 Team (Italy)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Maurizio - DueGi Sport Team (Italy)
Barsotti Vittorio / Barsotti Federico - 2B Tecnosport Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
23th Rally del Tartufo 30-07-2011 (Italy)
Tachis Piero / Tachis Eleonora - Meteco Corse (Italy)
Soave Gianni / Cossetta Chiara - Scuderia Monferrato (Italy)
Girardi Francesco / Fiorini Federico - TRT Team (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele / Gallo Erica - Biella Motor Team (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Raffo Roberta (Italy)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena (Italy)
Heijstek Arjan / Harteveld Robin (Netherlands)
Pettinati Marco / Dondarini Claudia (Italy)
S. Roncel (Slovakia)
From Farben Hoegner Auto-Slalom 2004 (Gremany)
Donati Riccardo / Veronica Lazzarini (Italy)
Rivia Simone / Milan Sabina (Italy)
De Marco Paolo / Ciocca Massimo - Equipe Vitesse (Italy)
Source: http://www.starracing.net
23th Rally del Tartufo 31-07-2011 - Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Lio Federica (Italy)
Pettinati Marco (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
34th Rally 111 Minuti 16-07-2011 (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano / Spadone Mirko - Crazy Driver Corse (Italy)
Calderoni Roberto / Pagani Marco (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano / Spadone Mirko - Crazy Driver Corse (Italy)
Fiat Seicento FISAPS (1999)
The Pedal Project had occasioned contacts with the FISAPS (Italian Sports Federation for Holders of Special Licences), for which an ad hoc-trophy-challenge was created with Seicentos prepared with "Guidosimplex" controls.
(Italian Champion: Alfredo Di Cosmo)
Source: http://www.officinapesaresi.it/team.htm
Campionato Fiat Autonomy - Autodromo di Magione - Pesaresi Auto 28-04-2001 (Italy)
Foto in Alta Resoluzione
Ringrazio i soci "IcioSempreConNoi" e "il-zulio" del forum "Rallymania" per la collaborazione e il materiale consentito!
Source: http:http:/rallymania.forumfree.it/?t=56782550
Rally Monte Carlo 1999 (France)
Basso Giandomenico / Guglielmini Flavio (Italy)
Rally Piancavallo 2000, Bernocco - Pastorelli
Hohlheimer Jürgen - Team Supergara (Germany)
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pietroz
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.(always refer the source as a link.)
20th Rally dei Laghi 2-04-11 (Italy)
Hohlheimer Jürgen / Patzig Rubert - Team Supergara (Germany)
Perotto Emanuele (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
Casarone Mattia - Scacco Matto Racing (Italy)
40th Rally Moscato 2-07-2011 (Italy)
Cillis Fabrizio / Andrea Traversa - Eurospeed (Italy)
Pianta Fabio / Minuto Stefano (Italy)
Vacchetto Simone / Corbani Daniele - Provincia Granda Rally Club (Italy)
Casarone Mattia / Marmo Enrico - Scuderia Monferraro (Italy)
Tignola Antonio / Oldano Ivan - Mondo Rally (Italy)
40th Rally delle Valli Imperiesi 25-06-2011 - Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Lio Federica (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni (Italy)
Paggini Claudio (Italy)
Perotto Emanuele (Italy)
Pettinati Marco (Italy)
40th Rally Valli Imperiesi 25-06-2011 - for Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano (Italy)
Lio Federica (Italy)
Paggini Claudio (Italy)
Perotto Emanuele (Italy)
Source: http://www.rgmfoto.it
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
47th Rally Valli Ossolane 18-06-2011 (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele / Gallo Erica - Biella Motor Team (Italy)
Calderoni Roberto / Pagani Marco (Italy)
Romano Giorgio / Morabito Alberto - Novara Corse 2000 (Italy)
Travaglia Simone / Varale Patrick - Equipe Vitesse (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele - Scacco Matto Racing / Biella Motor Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
37th Rally Coppa d' Oro 4-06-2011 (Italy)
Tignola Antonio / Oldano Ivan - (Italy)
26th Rally citta' di Torino 21-05-2011 (Italy)
Vittone Stefano / Giachetti Roberto - (Italy)
Bausano Giovanni / Crivellaro Roberto - Rally & C.O. (Italy)
Paggini Claudio / Ravano Arianna - Nord Ovest Racing (Italy)
Perotto Emanuele / Peirasso Massimiliano - Zerosette Racing (Italy)
Cortelazzo Marco / Rappoldi Alessandro - Zerosette Racing (Italy)
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29295059@N06
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
(always refer the source as a link.)
19th Rally dei Laghi 20-03-2010 (Italy)
Jurgen Hohlheimer / Sala Matteo - Team Supergara (Germany / Italy)
Pettinato Salvatore / Marangon Marco - Star Racing Team (Italy)
Scacco Matto Racing Team (Italy)
Paggini Claudio (Italy)
Stefano Filisetti (Italy)
from Slovenia this photo
Source: http://www.clikon.it
Federica Lio / Giuliano Serena - Butterfly Motorsport (Italy)
Paggini Claudio / Ravano Arianna - Nord Ovest Racing Team (Italy)
Dario Baldassari / Riccardo Barsotti (Italy)
Vittorio Barsotti - 2B Tecnosport Team (Italy)
32th Rally ELPA-Halkidiki (Greece)
Malaktari Eleni (Greece)
Federico Guaspari / Federico Bonacchi - Next Racing Team (Italy)
Vittorio Barsotti / Federico Barsotti - 2B Tecnosport Racing Team (Italy)
7th Rally Valle del Sosio 10-07-2010 (Italy)
Guitta Francesco / Cusa A. (Italy)
Source: http://www.rallydelsosio.it
6th Rally Valle del Sosio 18-07-2009 (Italy)
Leone Giacomo / Speciale G. - PS Start Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.rallyclubattiliobettega.it
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
Bettega Alessandro (Italy)
Source: Please contact: http://www.hohlheimer.fiatpartner.de
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
Hohlheimer Jurgen / Patzig Rubert - Team Supergara (Germany)
Source: http://www.rgmfoto.it
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
20th Rally Internazionale dei Laghi 2-04-2011 (Italy)
Hohlheimer Jurgen / Patzig Rubert - Team Supergara (Germany)
Salanitri Ivano / Lotti Luca - Valcuvia Corse (Italy)
Soave Gianni / Cossetta Chiara (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
13th Rally Ronde Colli del Monferrato 19-03-2011 (Italy)
Bausano Giovanni / Crivellaro Roberto (Italy)
Carnino Fabrizio / Gian Mauro Porta - Scuderia Monferrato (Italy)
Cillis Fabrizio / Traversa Andrea - Eurospeed (Italy)
Soave Gianni / Cossetta Chiara - Scuderia Monferrato (Italy)
Alessandria Davide / Alessandria Simone (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele / Gallo Erica - Biella Motor Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.starracing.net
1st Trofeo Sei 100 Cup (Italy)
10th Rally Riviera Ligure 19-03-2011 (Italy)
Claudio Paggini Claudio / Ravano Arianna - Nordovest Racing (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Dondarini Claudia - Butterfly Motorsport (Italy)
Lio Federica / Giuliano Serena - Butterfly Motorsport (Italy)
Source: www.butterfly-motorsport.it
TROFEO SEI 100 CUP (Italy)
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bazilpo
(High resolution photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
Ladogiannis Grigoris / Ladogiannis Nikos (Greece)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
2nd Rally delle Langhe 5-03-2011 (Italy)
Vacchetto Simone / Corbani Daniele - Provincia Granda Rally Club (Italy)
Perotto Emanuele / Peirasso Massimiliano - Zerosette Racing (Italy)
Tignola Antonio / Oldano Ivan - Mondorally (Italy)
Source: http://www.starracing.it
Source: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000176095457
Star Racing Team (Italy)
THE WEB SITE: http://www.balestrero.it
THE BLOG: http://twitter.com/balestreroit
THE GALLERY: http://www.flickr.com/photos/balestrero
(High Resolution Photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
30th Rally del Carnevale 26-02-2011 (Italy)
30th Rally del Carnevale 26-02-2011 (Italy)
Officina Genovesi Rally Team (Italy)
Group A - 1998
Source: http://www.martinodoneddu.it
1st Rally dei Due Comuni 26-02-2011 (Italy)
Doneddu Martino / Giovannini Matteo - Porto Cervo Racing (Italy)
Pettinati Marco / Dondarini Claudia (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
2nd Rally Ronde Andora 5-02-2011 (Italy)
Paggini Claudio / Ravano Arianna - Nordovest Racing Team (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano / Gaioni Veronica - Crazy Driver Corse (Italy)
Fattorini Cristian / Emiliano Ferrigno - AutoVa' Team (Italy)
Fattorini Cristian / Emiliano Ferrigno - Star Racing Team (Italy)
Misiti Salvatore / Tiziana Ostellino - OVS Racing Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.martinodoneddu.it
Doneddu Martino / Giovannini Matteo - Porto Cervo Racing (Italy)
Officina Genovesi - Rally Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=254192606117
Source: http://www.rallylink.it
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
19th Rally il Ciocchetto 18-12-2010 (Italy)
Bonuccelli Samuele / Matteuci Daniele - Kit Racing (Italy)
Francesconi Daniele / Fatichi Alessandro - Kit Racing (Italy)
Genovesi Corrado / Violante Sebastiano - Joker Team (Italy)
Fanucchi Claudio / Giorgi S. (Joker Team)
Genovesi Riccardo / Ferroni Andrea - Joker Team (Italy)
Fontanini Alberto / Ceragioli Marco - Gip Raing (Italy)
Hekimian Yiannis (Greece)
(Thanks to Sven from Germany for the collaboration!)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
14th Rally Ronde d' Inverno 20-11-2010 (Italy)
Scasso Massimo / Sgarminato Elena - VM motor team (Italy)
Banfi Stefano / De Manzi Giada - Valle d' Aosta Rally Team (Italy)
Vola Roberto / Minuto Stefano - 011 Racing (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele / Gallo Erica - (Italy)
1st Rally Jolli Ronde Aosta 2-10-2010 (Italy)
Roberto Orsini Roberto / Ferroni Andrea - Valle D'Aosta Rally Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
1st Rally Ronde delle Colline 6-10-2010 (Italy)
Recrosio Gabriele / Gallo Erica (Italy)
Penasso Giuseppe / Rubinelli Monica (Italy)
Collo Ezio / Bodda Maurizio (Italy)
Vittone Stefano / Giachetti Roberto (Italy)
Source: http://www.kitracing.it
34th Rally Trofeo Maremma 29-10-2010 (Italy)
Marchetti Matteo / Franchi Roberto (Italy)
19th Rally Coppa citta' di Prato 6-10-2010 (Italy)
Fatichi Alessandro / Becheri Marco (Italy)
Source: http://butterfly-motorsport.it
Lio Federica / Argentin Marco (Italy)
Source: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=85060681180
Officina Genovesi Team (Italy)
Genovesi Riccardo - Mei Mauro (Italy)
Source: http://tjinkjunks.hyves.nl
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
Rally Sprint Halkidiki 2-05-2010 (Greece)
Malaktari Eleni / Kirlagitsi Maria (Greece)
Nino Giovanni / Violante Sebastiano - Autofficina Ulvieri (Italy)
8th Rally Ronde delle Valli Imperiesi 6-11-2010 (Italy)
Lio Federica - Butterfly Motorsport Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.500sporting.net
Percini Corse Team (France)
Source: http://www.ruudmiddelrallyteam.nl
Rallysprint - M-Sport Cars 10-07-2010 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Rally Paradigit ELE - Helmond 4-06-2010 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Rallysprint Account Software - Veenendaal 22-08-2009 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Rally Paradigit ELE - Helmond 5-06-2009 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Rallysprint LG Almere - Almere 4-04-2009 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Rallyclinic Testdag - Niederrhein 13-03-2009 (Nederland)
Ruud Middel / Claudius de Beer (Nederland)
Source: http://www.rgmfoto.it
(High Resolution Photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
23th Rally Valli Piacentine 30-10-2010 (Italy)
Specogna Matteo / Sartori Fulvio - Vimotorsport Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.piemontrally.it
17th Rally Ronde Bagnolo Piemonte 23-10-2010 (Italy)
Perotto Emanuele / Carena Diego - Fulmix Rally Sport (Italy)
Tignola Antonio / Severino Giorgio (Italy)
25th Rally citta' di Torino 15-05-2010 (Italy)
4th Rally Ronde Freisa e Malvasia del Canavese 15-03-2009 (Italy)
5th Rally Ronde del Canavese 21-03-2010 (Italy)
8th Rally Riviera Ligure 1-03-2009 (Italy)
Source: http://www.kitracing.it
Pellegrini Sauro / Pieri Luca (Italy)
1st Rally del Ciocchetto 2008 (Italy)
Bertolozzi Luca / Ragghianti Walter (Italy)
19th Rally Coppa citta' di Prato 9-10-2010 (Italy)
Fatichi Alessandro / Becheri Marco (Italy)
Source: http://picasaweb.google.com/kapetanakis/RallyingAndCars#5071969773198191058
Photo by Ilias Kapetanakis
54th Rally Acropolis 2007 (Greece)
Grigoris Ladogiannis / Nikos Ladogiannis (Greece)
Source: http://www.kaleidosweb.com
21th Rally del Tartufo 30-08-2010 (Italy)
Bausano Giovanni / Crivellaro Roberto - Equipe Vitesse Team (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano / Gallo Erica - Crazy Driver Corse (Italy)
Vittone Stefano / Giachetti Roberto - Speed Fire Racing Team (Italy)
Source: http://www.kaleidosweb.com
36th Rally Team 971 * 11-10-2009 (Italy)
Manfrinetti Giovanni / Ponzano Fabrizio - DueGi Sport Team (Italy)
Filisetti Stefano / Gallo Erica - Crazy Driver Corse (Italy)
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vhrallyefan
Rally ADAC 17-08-2007 (Germany)
Driver Profile: http://www.rallye-wahn.de/portraits/holi.html
Jürgen Hohlheimer/ Wilfried Kippe (Germany)
Source: http://www.nextracing.it
(High Resolution Photos)
Any reproduction, copying, publishing photos in written press and generally any use, without the permission of the author / source, is forbidden.
(always refer the source as a link.)
45th Rally Coppa Citta' di Lucca 24-07-2010 (Italy)
Guaspari Federico / Di Domenico David - Next Racing Team (Italy)
Trevisani Samuele / Di Giulio Simone (Italy)
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